

Monday, April 07, 2014

One Last Beach Day

We'll soon be trading sand angels for snow angels. 
In only two days my little family and I will be moving from Florida to Alaska!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Praying, praying, praying!

Enjoy your adventure! God has something in it for you! Remember that He is always working on your behalf to bring you to where He wants you to be spiritually.

How fun to do this as a family. Nate was Ethan's age when we moved here, and he used to ask, "when are we going home?" After a while he settled in and realize this was home! Remember that the boys will have adjustments that they don't know how to express so it may come out in fussy, arguing etc…

Just remember to pray together and bring their attention to what God is doing in your lives! If you're excited, they'll be excited.

Love you!
Aunt Deanna

Unknown said...

I like how you said
"We'll soon be trading sand angels for snow angels" Cute! You are a good writer, a natural blogger =)
Fun pics of the boys =D

Good advice Aunt Deanna!