

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Note Card Party - March

Oh March, you've been quite a month! When I look back on you, I will remember trying to sort out and drastically downsizing our stuff.

March, your memory will probably bring some tears to my eyes as I remember trying to soak up the last minuets with my family and friends here in Florida and trying not to panic that from today there are only 22 more days until we leave!

We are moving to Alaska with only our suitcases and shipping a few things so I'm having to let go of a lot and decide what is truly important to me. It's good though. I needed to simplify and I'm finding it freeing to let things go.

At the beginning of the year I started a Project 365. Where I'm taking a photo a day for a year.

This photo was Day 58 and taken up in Pennsylvania the weekend of my cousins wedding.
I'm so glad I got to go and celebrate with them on that special day.

These flowers were from my little Ethan and brightened our table up so nicely.

My flowers were blooming in Florida the same time we were getting snow in Pennsylvania!

Soaking up the sunshine here in Florida since Anchorage often still gets fresh snow in April!

Linking up here!
href="http://ahavenforvee.blogspot.com/2012/03/note-card-party-information.html" target="_blank"><img alt="A Haven for Vee" src="http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g254/veeziepeezie/ANewNewButton.png"/>


Anonymous said...

How lovely! The flowers are wonderful. What a milestone month for you and yours.

Vee said...

Beautiful photography! Wonderful flowers and sentiments.

Wow. You really are on an adventure. It's going to be quite the switch from Florida to Alaska. Wishing you all the best with the remainder of your packing and planning. God bless you!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We were so blessed to have you with us for the wedding. Thank you for adding your touch on Lindsay's big day!

We are excited for you and our prayers go with you!


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Oh the photos are wonderful. We don't have any flowers here yet - except daffodils and a little showing of tulip leaves. Spring is coming.

What an adventure you'll have, moving to Alaska - I can't wait read about your adventures.

Rosella said...

Thank you for your sweet comment on my wee blog. Your note cards are so cheery and it's good to know that there are flowers blooming somewhere!! What an undertaking you have taken - downsizing and moving to Alaska - wow. Wishing you all the very best on this adventure!

Snap said...

Melissa, what an adventure you are preparing for. Enjoy it and good luck. Loved the images you shared for Vee's party. Some sweet memories for you.

Sue said...

Beautiful photos, wishing you the best on your move to Alaska, my parents lived there for a year, and loved it. Thanks for sharing.

bj said...

Love all these great photos..perfect for March note cards.
wishing you so much luck on your Alaskan adventure.

Unknown said...

I love your photographs, and each one makes an amazing note card.


Wanda said...

Very beautiful pictures ~ I hope when you move to Alaska you could be close to the other blogger in Alaska.

I have a cousin in TUK, AK.

Pamela Gordon said...

Your photos are beautiful Melissa. I wish you all the best in your move to Alaska. That is going to be quite a change from Florida! Blessings, Pamela

Linda H said...

Beautiful photos, especially the Hibiscus! Best of luck on your move. That will be quite a drastic change. I'm sure you'll find lots of spectacular scenery and maybe even wildlife to photograph!

ellen b said...

Wow...that's quite a move. Hope all the details work out well.
Your photo choices for note cards are very nice...

Beth said...

Good luck with your move, Melissa! Love your notecards!

Cheryl said...

I love your photos and your adventurous spirit! Blessings on your upcoming move!