

Friday, January 29, 2010

"If all the snowflakes were chocolate covered cupcakes!"

"Oh what a snow that would be!"

Elijah and I learned that song yesterday in pre school!
Last night we made chocolate cupcakes!
So that song has been running through my head all day as we've watched the snow fall.

Ethan is just fasinated with the snow!

Elijah has found that his trucks and tractors can haul more than just rocks and dirt...

And it's still snowing...

...and expected to all evening so i'm guessing we won't be getting a clear view of the moon tonight. Will you be able to see the biggest and brightest full moon of the year?


Leslie said...

Oh my gosh, that looks cold! Cold.. but beautiful.

Love the snow pictures.

Enjoy your weekend and the snow!

Rebecca Conduff Aguirre said...

Does look beautiful! I love the picture of Ethan reaching out to touch the snow! Pretty cloudy and overcast here tonight, not sure if the moon is all that visible or not...but when the moon is out it's really beautiful here in the desert...

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

The moon was beautiful coming up last night, then thin clouds moved in and lightly covered the it. It looked cool but for the first night in several days we didn't have a clear night!

I love the moon!

candace said...

what a little muffin! Thanks for sharing the great pics.

Sarah said...

Cute pics!!! We got a ton of snow as well!! Check out my blog to see who won my giveaway! ; )

java girl said...


Thank you for your prayers. Your pictures of the Ozarks are so lovely!! Oh what some sunshine can do in the middle of winter.

I think out of all the photos my favorite is of your oldest son playing with his tractors in the snow! What a devoted "farmer"!

God Bless you as you keep your head abover the water!!