"First, a very serious prayer request for some good friends of mine here, Ken & BJ Armstrong. Their 11-year-old son Joe has been very sick for several months now. Right now BJ is with him in the capital, Jakarta, seeing doctors there. I just heard that there are two possible diagnoses for him, and they are both potentially fatal. He either has a form of leukemia, or a very new, rare and untreatable parasite. Please pray for his healing and for wisdom for the doctors as they continue to run tests. Ken is here at home with their 5 other children. This is a family that I went through all my training with, and they have already gone through a lot in the last year here in Indonesia. They have literally been taking one of their children to the hospital every few weeks, for some sickness or accident or whatever. So pray too for the Lord’s comfort as well as wisdom in making many decisions."
Joe (4 years ago)
This just breaks my heart. Geoff and I lived in the apartment above the Armstrong's during part of our training. They are an amazing family and I hate to hear they are going through something like this. It's every mother's (and father's) nightmare. To have a child so sick and the doctors not knowing what to do!I remember talking to BJ one day and she was sharing how hard it was for her to surrender her children to the Lord when she and her husband first talked about going overseas. But she did it. She and her husband went through the training and headed off to Indonesia. And it hasn't been easy. In the email above you read that they have gone through a lot of sickness in the family. And now this news that they might be losing one of their boys.
It's an everyday thing, isn't it? Laying down our families and our most precious treasures at Jesus' feet and saying "I trust you with them, Lord."
Please, please join me in lifting this family up to God.
Jesse and I will lift them up in our prayers.
Praying for them!
I've prayed and lifted Joe up to our merciful and all knowing Master Physician. I'm sure the will of God will prevail in their lives.
I am praying for this family right this second.
Praying here!
I am having interesting emotions as I prepare to let Mikey go to El Salvador for just one week.
How my heart breaks for this family!!
Becky K.
We will be praying!
we're praying over here. I got a small taste of that last week and now have incredible compassion for any parent that goes through that! May God bring them peace and hope and joy in the midst of suffering.
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