

Monday, March 04, 2013

Little David

Good morning, it's a chilly 37degrees at the moment here in central Florida. I actually turned the heat on this morning to warm my house up to 65. Only the second time i've done that this year. We've had a mild winter. I don't even feel like I can say we had a winter.

Some of you may have seen my post on facebook asking for prayer for a friend and her new baby.

Thank you for your prayers. It lifted my heart to see your responses that you were there and you were praying.

Want to see who you were praying for?

This is little David. He's very loved and he's also very sick. We're not sure how long he will be with us. But God is a God of miracles so please keep this sweet family in your prayers.

Celebrating baby David's One Week birthday today!
Photo: Here is our new grandson David Mackenzie Reynolds. He was born Feb 25 @ 845 pm. He weighed 6 lbs 2 oz. Please pray for him and mom and dad. Good news but not totally out of the woods.
I'm sharing a photo from Meg's facebook page.
I haven't had the blessing of meeting baby David in person yet.


Amy Buckman said...

Thanks for posting this beautiful picture! The kids (and Bryan and I)have been praying for him all throughout the day, and appreciate getting to see his sweet face!

Becky K. said...

Poor darling...and his parents. Prayers continue!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Precious boy!

Praying still....