My blogging friend Moya in Jamaica gave me this lovely award! Thanks so much Moya!
So here are the rules:- List 10 things that make you happy. Tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day and link back to the person that tagged you. So Here goes my list:)
My boys
Quiet Times
Snow Days
Taking Pictures
Each and every one of my readers makes me happy and your comments brighten my day! =) So if you're reading this I give you this award!
Also the winner of the digital thermometer is Mrs. Rabe!!! Click on the picture below to visit Creekside Cottage!
We're all pretty miserable in our house right now. The fever and cough started with Elijah and soon spread to Ethan and I. Yesterday we found out Ethan has an ear infection as well. So he's pretty miserable!
The reason we took Ethan to the doctor yesterday was to get his belly button checked. It's been red and leaky ever since his cord fell off after he was born over a year ago!
We really like our new doctor and she took our concerns seriously. "Congratulations" she said as she came back in the room. "You made me get out my medical textbook." She showed us that she's thinking it's an "umbilical pryor". Because of his age and the fact that it's been "weepy" this whole time she's recommended we take Ethan to Columbia to get a specialist to look at it and see what needs to be done.
Thanks for your prayers and interest in our family. We appriciate you so much!

oh i hope ethans button will be okay.. you guys will be in my prayers...
and congrats on your award!!!
You're welcome Melissa and I really hope everything will be fine with Ethan. Still praying:)
Aw so sorry you are all sick! Sounds like us! Cayden just got over a double ear infection, so not fun and sad for our little ones bc they dont know why they dont feel good. :-( Hope you all get well soon!! ♥
Oh, I hate that you all are sick. I'll be praying and especially for little "E"'s appointment with the specialist.
Love and prayers! =)ik
Oh my goodness Liss! I can't believe you have to see a specialist. Is he going to be OK?
I'm sorry you're all sick on top of it, and I can't even do anything to help here!
Sorry Melissa, that you are all sick....
I am happy though to be the winner of your give away! Cool!
I am going right now to google about Ethan's belly button...
Andrew has mentioned- I wonder if there is a word that google couldn't find.
Well Melissa you've done it!! I typed in "umbilical pryor" YOUR blog comes up as the 1st result then 2 sites I can't looks like spanish. It's rare to ever see 'did not match any documents' but under images that's what it said!
Unfortunitly that leaves us w/more questions? I must say in the hundreds of babies i've seen I've never heard or seen of it.
Get wells soon OXOX
What's the latest news on his belly button?
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