Update: Giveaways are now closed. Thanks for entering! Click here to see the winners. Don't forget that next month we'll be having another birthday bash with giveaways!

This is a very special day in our household. A year ago today this precious little package arrived and made our family more complete...
Ethan has brought so much joy to our family.
We all love him so much and can't imagine our lives with out him! I feel so blessed to be the mommy of these two precious little boys.
Elijah was a proud big brother right from the start.
He's a wonderful big brother.
He's very protective and looks out for his little brother.
Ethan is Daddy's little buddy.
And Mommy's little darling.
Look how much he's grown this year!
That's Ethan and my mom out by the lake here on Monday.
And our whole family out on the frozen lake here in MO.
I posted this video last year. But I thought i'd post it again on his birthday.
I'll have to make one of his first year now!
In his one year of life Ethan has lived in two different states and two different countries! He was born in Florida (you can read the story of Ethan's birth here) and when he was eight weeks old we moved to Northern Ireland. Then when he was 11 months we moved back to the States. And now we are in Missouri.
From the very beginning Ethan has been a hearty eater. And that still is his favorite activity! He's happiest when he is eating! =)
He loves music too and really gets into it sometimes!
His favorite things are eating, music and baths. He gets so excited when we say that word and he'll stand at the edge of the tub and pound the edge and say "ba!"
His laugh is contagious and we love to play with him and be rewarded with his giggle!
Speaking of giggles I have some fun items from giggle.com that i'm giving away today!
Remember how you all voted for our picture on Facebook and helped us win the contest? We won a gift card to giggle.com. I wish there was a way to give each of you a thank you! It meant so much to me to see your support! You all are the best!
I wanted to give something back to you as a thank you so i picked out a couple things and you all have a chance to enter to win!
We are going to have a weekend of giveaways!Welcome to Ethan's Birthday Bash!
Each day this weekend i'll post a new giveaway! To be entered just leave a comment under each post. If you posted. blogged or emailed about the photo contest give yourself an extra entry. And if you follow my blog you can give your self yet another entry because you all are just so cool! Winners will be announced next week sometime. Every one is welcome to enter... even those of you who live over seas. Feel free to share about this giveaway!
Since Ethan is such a fan of bath time i thought we'd give away some...
Bath Goodies!
Turn bath time into play time with this colorful collection of Bath Goods. Recommended for ages six months and up, this fun and engaging set includes fifteen bath appliqués, three balls, and two mini-scrubbies (designed especially for little hands). These water-resistant designer toys curb mold and mildew, and they come in fun, contemporary colors that look great in any bathroom.

Happy Birthday, Ethan!!!
Glad you have arrived safely in MO.
It looks cold. Maybe that is why it was so cold in FL. So that it wouldn't be as big an adjustment...lol.
Becky K.
Happy Birthday Ethan!
Have an Awesome Day!
oh HAPPY BIRTHDAY ethan!!!
and by the way.. you guys have such beautiful kids!!!
have a wonderful and fun wkend!!
YEAH ETHAN!!! You are one today!!!
You are loved so much!!!!
Happy Birthday Ethan....priceless pics!!!
Happy Birthday to our little Effan! Uncle Jesse and I love you so very much. May God bless you all the days of your life. XOX
Aw....sweet Ethan! Happy birthday little guy!!
Happy Birthday Ethan!! You look like a wonderful little boy who brings much love to his Mummy, Daddy and Brother, what a special little man!
I am a new follower :)
He is Super Cute, Happy Birthday to Ethan!!
Really could use some COOL bath toys :) Thanks for the chance.
I am a new follower too.
Happy Birthday! My little guy will be one in Feb, and he's also a hearty eater and a happy giggler. Best wishes!
I'm also a new follower.
Happy Birthday, Ethan! :)
Those are great picks!! I love the little scrubbies! I have never seen small ones like that.
I follow you!!
happy birthday ethan.
loved ur photo's jacksond@nhr3.net
Happy Birthday Little Man! Can't wait for our little bundle of joy to be here!
Oh No!! My comp Froze!! Sorry I didn't mean to Post so many times!! I don't see whee to delete them either!! Figures just my luck!
What a wonderful celebration of your son's birthday! I watched your video -- it was lovely!!
mellisarock at yahoo dot com
The video was great! Happy Birthday to your little guy!
Happy Birthday! My little one (he's my first) turned one last June and it's so amazing how fast the grow up! Now his 2nd birthday is coming up...way too fast! I hope he has a wonderful birthday!
I follow your blog (I actually just became your 100th follower...so congrats)!
Oh my, little Ethan shares my birthday! How sweet! Happy Belated Birthday to him!
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
Happy Bday Ethan! How adorable! Do enter me please
shiki6210 at gmail dot com
Happy Birthday and Oh My has he grown in just a year! I've started trying to convince my husband another is a good idea! :P
Happy Birthday to your little one and thanks for the giveaway.
happy bday!
im a follower
Happy Birthday!!
Thanks for the celebration :)
I follow!
Happy Birthday Etan! What cute bath toys.
I follow
Happy Birthday Ethan!
My one year old son love "bahh" time too!
aahaft at gmail dot com
I'll leave this great giveaway to be won by mommy's out there! Just wanted to say happy bday to your super cute son and that I listed your giveaway in my blog! Here's the link:
My daughter loves her bath time and so I'd be happy if you'll count me in on this ownderful giveaway! =)
My kids LOVE bath time, cool giveaway.
I follow you.
Happy birthday, Ethan.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Happy Birthday, Ethan!!! I'm glad to hear you like baths. :-)
molomatic at gmail dot com
What a fun giveaway!
I follow your blog
Happy Birthday to Ethan!
I just became a follower! Please visit my blog! :)
Happy Birthday Ethan!
May you always enjoy the wonder in each new day.
Happy Birthday, Ethan!!
Thanks so much for the chance to win~my granddaughter just turned 1 on Christmas so these would be perfect for her :-)
I am a new follower too!
Happy birthday to your little cuddle of joy! God bless! xx
LOVE your blog, am so grateful I stumbled across it.
Ethan looks most adorable :) :)
Am following your blog :)
Your kid is adorable!
lilacpopcorn at gmail dot com
I follow your blog
lilacpopcorn at gmail dot com
here is my comment for a chance to win... thanks for the opportunity.
i follow your blog.
Super cute little guy! Hope he had a great birthday!!
pjkmitchell at hotmail dot com
Happy birthday, Ethan! :-D
I'd love to win these bath goodies.
iritca AT gmail com
I now follow your blog.
iritca AT gmail com
Happy Birthday Ethan! Count me in for the giveaway!
egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
Happy Birthday, Ethan! They grow so quick, don't they? My daughter is almost 7 months old and I can't believe how much she has grown is such little time.
Happiest Birthday, Ethan! Hope your entire family enjoys your celebration! Thanks!
Wishing little Ethan a great Birthday week!
And I am so happy to know that you won the contest. I have not been able to follow it, but now that I know the result, it makes me even happier!
And the give-away ideas are great! I am going to join in very soon!
Loads of love and hugs to the little angel!
Happy Happy Birthday !!! yeah
i subscribe thanks
Happy Birthday Ethan!
Thanks for the chance :)
I posted about your giveaway on my blog: http://conbdebelleza.blogspot.com/2010/01/otra-nueva-tanda-de-sorteos.html (you can use the Google traductor button on the right to traduce it).
I think bath time is one of the best times for little ones. My son would love to have this set.
savingmomssanity at gmail dot com
new follower =D
bvrlylava at gmail dot com
happy birthday!
so adorable :)
heartbreak.21.kid at gmail dot com
Thankyou for the chance to win!
I follow you!
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