

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Brotherly Love

It's precious to me to see the love Elijah has for his little brother.

Even though he can be a bit rough with Ethan at times, he usually means well and is just over exuberant in showing his affection. He is always wanting to be right in Ethan's face and "playing" with him as well as giving lots of hugs and kisses. Oh yes, he get's a lot of l♥ving that's for sure!

Whether Ethan is sitting in his seat...

or laying on his tummy...

Elijah is usually right there with him!

These were taken last week. Elijah was getting a kick out of watching his little buddy roll over! When Ethan is on his tummy he just "talks" away and Elijah just giggles and thinks it's the funniest thing!While he's talking and laying on his tummy he'll start kicking his legs and waving his arms like this...

And he keeps leaning farther and farther until finally he'll tip himself over and roll to his back...

All the while big brother Elijah is there cheering him on and saying "Good job, baby Effan!"

If you ask Elijah if you can take Ethan home with you he'll tell you "No he's my baby. You want to hold him?"

That's all you'll get. You can hold "his" baby but don't think about taking him home!


Brittany Ann said...

Oh, what a pair these two are becoming! And I can't believe little E is rolling over (Btw, how do we feel about the names Little E for Ethan and Big E for Elijah? Although, he'll always be your little Elijah, even when he's 6'4" and fully grown!) Miss you all!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That is dear and a precious thing for you to cultivate in their lives!

Sherri said...

This is so perfect! The pictures really do portray the way Elijah feels about "Effan." His smile tells it all. Ethan has no idea how blessed he is to have a big brother like E, but someday he will. And look how Ethan is holding his head up so much now!!! Go Effan!!!

java girl said...

Oh those boys are going to have so much fun growing up together!! What a wonderful big brother :O)

the monkeys' mama said...

Hey Melissa! I changed the button to be animated (fun stuff!) but feel free to keep yours in its original form. It will still work! Thanks again :)

Alicia @ refinedisaiah648.blogspot.com said...

what a cute/sweet post!! Elijah is just so cute!!

Unknown said...

He's rolling over already?!! Wow!!

What a cute post =) Sherri is right, having seen them interact I can say this does portray Elijah's affection That big grin!

Tracy said...

how sweet!