

Monday, February 23, 2009

Give A Way!

It's time for a give a way here at Elijah's Adventures!

A Little About the Company...

"From*me Tees was started by a married couple who knows what it is to work through hard stuff and yet stay together and stay committed and only grow to love each other MORE through it all. One of the great and wonderful mysteries of life is that loving each other in action--what we do and say--produces romance. Everything in our culture today teaches the opposite, that romance turns into love, but nothing could be further from the truth. Love is a choice and we decide how we're going to treat each other in the good and in the not-so-good times. What a hope-giving reality that a strong, loving, thriving relationship can be built, simply by changing how we interact with our spouse.

Marriage was created to be a blessing and a little kindness and respect goes a long way. Accept the fact that your spouse isn't perfect and then start taking notice of all the good things they bring to the table! Pretty soon you can train your mind to be grateful for who they are as opposed to feeling disappointed about who they are not. When you allow yourself to believe that your spouse rocks, you will free yourself from the downward spiral and temptation of self-pity, disappointment, and even dispair. The fact is, your spouse is probably a greater blessing than you allow yourself to realize...so lay down your expectations and praise your spouse for his/her attributes. After all, the key is to change yourself! And you'll be surprised at the positive affect it has on the one you choose to love...and you! To find out more about the vision behind our marriage tees, check out this article."

I have an extra large long sleeved t-shirt like the one in the picture above to give a way to one of you, my dear readers!

In order to enter just leave me a comment telling me why your husband rocks.

And if you're not married and would like to enter anyway just leave a comment sharing an attribute you would look for in a husband.

This should be fun! I'm really looking forward to hearing what you have to say!

I'll leave this open all week and randomly pick a winner on Friday!


Ruth said...

Good post Melissa. The things that I would like to have from a husband is that he is a man after Gods own heart. Also that he would follow the teachings of the bible on marriage and realtionships. That we would be able have a very close realtionship with God together.

Brittany Ann said...

Hey there! Don't count me on this, because I have one of these, thanks to you, my sweet friend! But I just wanted to say, how funny that you thought of this today. I was going to blog about the shirt you gave me today. Now I will, and I will link to your blog, as well! So perfect! Thanks, dear friend!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Please don't include me in the give away - I wouldn't wear the t-shirt, but I wanted to comment.

My husband Rocks because he has a heart to please God. He leads our family in Bible study and is a great friend to both me and his children! He is a faithful man, and is greatly admired and loved by our family!

All that and he does laundry too!

Anonymous said...

My husband is a man of integrity and a loyal employee and has set that example for his children.
He is a servant who not only as an Elder and teacher but he leads an awesome small group of Jr age HS dudes! Plus he is handsome!

Alicia @ refinedisaiah648.blogspot.com said...

AW how fun and cute!

My hubby rocks because he makes me laugh and knows how to make me feel treasured. He is a wonderful teacher who teaches God's word to His students daily and is a great provider for us and soon to be baby!! He has a beautiful heart!

Lori said...


My husband rocks because he's one of the best dads I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

How fun!!! I just love this shirt my husband rocks because he is a man of God, he takes of us his family and would do anything for us. He is a wonderful role model and teacher to not only our children but to the children at his schools and our youth group at church. He teaches them how a girl/woman should be treated.

Gina said...

My husband rocks because he is sweet and sensitive and a great daddy and he does the laundry...well! And my first husband was an abusive jerk, so I think my hubby now is extra great. I'll never take him for granted!!