

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Brother in Need

The following was sent to me by email from ChinaAid an organization supporting the persecuted in China. It's hard to imagine things like this still happening today but they DO and there are things we can do to help! Click on the link at the bottom of the post to find out how to help. They give you a list of people to email. How easy is that? Most everyone can send an email, it doesn't take much time but will make a difference for our brothers and sister suffering right now! Let's not forget or ignore them!

"Gao Zhisheng, part of the ChinaAid Legal Defense Team, was kidnapped by more than a dozen police on February 4. He has not been seen or heard from since. Gao wrote an account in his own words which reveals the severe torture he suffered for more than 50 days when he was first abducted. He wrote how he was forced to lie naked on the floor for 13 days and nights:

"The electric shock baton was put all over me. And my full body; my heart, lungs and muscles began jumping under my skin uncontrollably. I was writhing on the ground in pain, trying to crawl away. Wang (one of the interrogators) then shocked me in my genitals…. Every time when I was tortured, I was always repeatedly threatened … 'Your death is sure if you share this with the outside world."

Gao's family is concerned that Gao may be experiencing the same abuse now. Because of his work defending underground Christians and others persecuted in China, the Chinese government has tried to silence him since 2005. His wife and two children have also been abused, tormented and cut off from the outside world during this time.

ChinaAid calls all Christians and those who value human dignity and justice around the world to act on Gao Zhisheng’s behalf."

» Find out how.


Unknown said...

So glad you posted this! I emailed everyone!

Brittany Ann said...

Thanks for sharing this. I'm on it! Lova ya, friend!