

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Congratulations Patrick and Brittany!!!

October 24th, 2008


Anonymous said...

Oh, Liss! I love all of these posts! Thank you so much for doing all of them! We were so blessed and happy to have you all here for our wedding! I love you!

Unknown said...

so much fun! what memories! Weddings are such joyous occasions!

Kelly said...

Great pictures. Elijah is just so completely adorable. He looks like such a lovable little guy, I have fallen in love with him just through visiting your blog. It's just so much fun to watch him grow and experience new things and his smile is absolutely contagious. I miss having these kinds of moments with my boys. They are both so big now and don't really want to cuddle with Mom. I still love them dearly and are very proud of the young men they are becoming, but I miss the cuddling/snuggling. Time goes so quickly. It warms my heart to see you enjoying these precious moments. God bless your family.