

Monday, April 25, 2016

Weekend to Remember

Weekend to Remember is a marriage conference put on by Family Life held different weekends all over the country. This past weekend it came to Anchorage. It started Friday evening, all day Saturday, and a couple hours on Sunday morning. Some good friends watched the boys for us so we could go. We are so thankful for them.

It was really a good time of reconnecting and strengthening our marriage.

Some of the topics included, threats to marriages, what God's plan for marriage is, how to communicate and resolve conflicts. Sunday morning we split up and the women had a session on being a wife and mother while the men had one about being a husband and father.

The whole weekend has given us a lot to think about, talk about, and work through. Good stuff. 

"make the most of the best and the least of the worst"

This was taken Saturday morning as we were walking from where we parked our car into the conference. I love being able to see the mountains from pretty much anywhere in town.
Trees are budding, grass is turning green, days are warmer. Love it!

We were given some time to work on a couple projects. We went through some questions on our own and then together.

At the very end we had the chance to renew our vows. It was really special. Made me tear up. It meant a lot to hear him say those words after so many years of ups and downs. We now have experience to back up those words.

And because we're selfish and  forgetful human beings we bought this pretty sign to hang in our home and remind us of our special weekend and our commitment to each other.

Keep an eye out and see if the Weekend to Remember conference comes to your area!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Love you so much!

So proud of you both, and the heart you have for your marriage! Good stuff, indeed!

The sign is great!


Terry said...

I listen to Family Life's podcast most days and it is sooooo good! (www.familylife.com). Lots of great guests to share their knowledge and challenge our hearts. So many practical talks. I've been listening to them for years. I've never been to the conference but have heard great things about it - so glad you were able to go. It is an investment in your marriage and that is VERY important. :-)